Wednesday, August 03, 2005

how to pronounce ghotih

well, lets see. English is a complex language. Highschool educatoin made us rote without questioning. or let us comfortably accept the oddities in this foreign language. Why should a 'suite' be pronounced some thing like 'sweet'? Did french ask that? funny.
Sri recounted bernard shaw that 'Fish' can be written as 'ghotih' in english. unbelievable? naturally. but if you look at it, it is not really something that you cannot discover. Just you didnt bother.
How does G sound in 'laugh'?
How does O sound in 'women'?
How does T sound in 'education'?

Unlike Indian language, English alphabet doesnt follow vocal sig. Hence the ambiguity. Which other language allows ji/gi/zee/tszi to be pronounced same?

btw, you can insert T at any place in your sentence. do you listen me?

kgtuwd zhaeyw mie.
If i have Queen's blessings, i would make you read above sentence as 'God save me'.


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